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As the Estates and Facilities services within a Trust are becoming increasingly judged by the CQC and Monitor on the basis of their PAM, ERIC and PLACE scores, it is becoming ever more important to ensure that these returns are completed in a timely, complete and consistent manner.


The new PAM Self-Assessment Questions (SAQs) are much more qualitative in nature and their completion requires broad experience across the spectrum of estates and facilities services – and beyond. For many Trusts, it may prove that this exercise looking at existing systems, documents, practices policies, perhaps developed in isolation, highlights that they no longer represent best practice or support a holistic model for the delivery of estates and facilities services aligned with the needs of patients, the Trust and other stakeholders.


Following requests from a number of our clients, GKT are now pleased to offer a tailored service that can ensure that your PAM return is complete and accurate. Additionally, we can work with you to identify and address any areas for improvement before the return is finalised.



We will work with you to locate and document the information sources necessary to complete the assessment spreadsheet.
At first glance, the data requirements of appear daunting, however, much of the information required should be readily available from existing documents.


We will provide an initial scoring and assessment on your PAM spreadsheet, along with gap analysis to identify those specific areas where the organisation is under-performing. Following this, we can produce detailed project plans to help you to close out actions with best practice solutions. 


We will also forensically review your evidence for content to be compliant against standards and expectations from regulators,  and add these to the recommended actions. These actions are then summarised in a separate report with a high-level project plan to share with stakeholders.


Our ongoing PAM support starts after preparation and audit completion. The real benefit is to ensure suggested actions are fully implemented to allow the Trust to achieve the required level of compliance and also maximise any potential savings. At this stage we will work alongside the trust to implement actions whilst offering training, support and assistance where necessary.

A selection of clients we have provided PAM training, assessment or validation for:

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Mersey Care.png
North West Anglia.png


See our case studies section to see how our services have made real impacts to some of our clients. We also offer PAM training to individuals and organisations.


We would love to hear from you and chat through how our services can help. Or if you want to hear from us then please subscribe to our mailing list.

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